Aftrak WINS $1,000,000
The Milken-Motsepe Prize in Green Energy
The Milken-Motsepe Prize in Green Energy incentivized entrepreneurs who have ideas for solutions to advance progress toward UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7: Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
The aim of the Milken-Motsepe Prize in Green Energy was to reward innovators who expand access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity in Africa. Energy access is a key driver for long-term economic growth and shared prosperity. The prize offered $2 million in prizes and additional benefits, including a $1 million grand prize for the winning team and $1 million in additional prize money. Participating teams also received access to networking, training, and other resources.

Deep bed farming
In many parts of Malawi – under a few centimetres of topsoil – there is a compacted layer of rock-hard earth, hardpan. Plant roots, water and air cannot penetrate the hardpan – making the soil unfit for agriculture.
Where water can percolate into the ground, it can be stored long after rain has stopped falling. In areas of hardpan, this doesn’t happen. Instead, the water runs off the surface, taking much of the healthy topsoil with it. Devastating soil erosion can destroy soil fertility.
In 2016, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimated that the average national soil loss rate in Malawi was 29 tons per hectare per year. This helps to explain why Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries – and why hunger is so common.
DBF offers a significant approach to addressing this challenge.

What is Deep Bed Farming?
Deep Bed Farming is a three-stage process that combats the devastating impacts of hardpan.
Step One – Destroy the hardpan
The compacted hardpan is broken up with a pickaxe – delivering powerful and immediate benefits:
roots, water and air can penetrate the soil
soil erosion is curbed or halted
deep and healthy organic soils start to develop
Step One
Step two – Create the deep beds
These are designed to:
minimise water runoff and maximise water retention
prevent a new compacted layer developing
The deep beds are never walked again, preventing the return of hardpan, and a ditch runs alongside each ridge, collecting and damming rainwater.
Step two
Step three – The results
Tiyeni’s methods have helped many farmers in Malawi to achieve food security - and, to date:
the increased crop yields have been consistent, year on year
after the first laborious pickaxing, there has been no need to break up the hardpan again - farmers enjoy no-till farming
DBF has been shown to increase maize yield from about 1.7 tonnes per hectare to over 8.0 tonnes per hectare. Where maize is grown with other crops, DBF increases the yield of both.
Step three

Revolutionizing Agriculture with Tailored Tractors
Empowering Rural Communities with Clean Solar Energy
Boosting Crop Yields for Food Security
Fostering Sustainable Development
Increasing Smallholder Incomes
Building Resilient Rural Economies